Photo: Bridget Ahern
RGP: The Transformative Power of Emotion
May 5 - 9, 2025
Our sense of self develops in connection with others and our experiences in early relationships. They shape our beliefs — about ourselves, other people, and what is possible for us in our lives. While we cannot change the past, we can change the parts of our lives that we find difficult or unfulfilling through new experiences of contact. When our need for understanding and emotional attunement is met, our limiting beliefs can change.
In this workshop, we will:
Learn skills that will increase our presence and awareness.
Improve our ability to make good contact.
Explore how to establish healthy boundaries.
Develop and track awareness of our physical sensations and emotions.
Communicate our needs and wants effectively.
Discover habitual relational patterns that prevent us from cultivating the type of connection we long for.
This workshop includes time for basic gestalt awareness practices, a mixture of didactic and experiential exercises, and some participants will have the opportunity to experience individual “open seat” sessions with Dorothy and with the support of the group.
Recommended reading: Korb et al., Gestalt Therapy: Practice and Theory; Mann, Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques.
Esalen Institute
55000 Highway 1
Big Sur, CA 93920