Relational Gestalt Practice Open Seat Circle

A series of 4 weekends in the Months of Feb, March, June, & Aug 2025

This series is designed for people who would like to practice Relational Gestalt through individual sessions within a group setting. A committed group in which the same members participate in each retreat can create a community where participants offer support to each other over time. This group will meet 4 times in person for weekend retreats in Aptos, CA.

Open Seat is the practice in which an individual is supported in using the tools of Relational Gestalt Practice to contact their moment-to-moment experience. As part of this, students may explore sensations and emotion, face life situations past and present, or develop their ability for self-expression and communication. Whatever the content of the exploration, the goal of Open Seat is to become more present, aware and in touch with ourselves and our environment. The group will be structured so that any learning theory will revolve around an emerging curriculum, through themes that arise in the open seat work and group process.

This workshop is open to those who have attended a previous Relational Gestalt Practice workshop with Dorothy, or done GAP with Christine Price or Sharon Terry. There will be an opportunity to have 2 individual Open Seat sessions with Dorothy over the course of the 4 weekend series.



February 1-2, 2025
March 29-30, 2025
June 28- 29, 2025
Aug 9-10, 2025

*Optional: 1) group check in’s on zoom led by Dorothy, Elizabeth or Yu-Lin between in person weekend retreats, and 2) self initiated partner practice.

I ask that you commit to this group with the intention of attending all sessions, though I am open to hearing from you if have conflicts that would cause you to miss one session.

Group Location

Aptos, CA



Scholarship available upon inquiry.

Interest Form

Enrollment is now closed. The Open Seat Circle is full.

**Covid policy: Because of the continued prevalence of COVID, to protect everyone's health, we ask that all participants be fully vaccinated against the SARS-COV-19 virus. This means a minimum of 3 vaccinations, a booster in 2024, and a negative antigen test taken on the Saturday morning of each weekend. Local and CDC guidelines at the time of the workshop will dictate mask-wearing policy.**